Day 4: Dates #27DaysOfThanks

Day 4: Dates

Dates are one of my top favorite foods, I really started to love them once I realized how nutritious they are and how many ways you can use them.
I recommend getting them from the Farmers Market because they are so fresh and tender…my favorites are from Bautista Family Organic Ranch.

Some reasons to be thankful for dates:

  1. Dates energize, revitalize and hydrate the body instantly.
  2. Then are full of vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and B-complex and are anti-inflamitory.
  3. They are rich in fiber, very easy to digest, promote digestive health and relieve constipation.
  4. They prevent stroke, lower blood pressure, boost heart health, brain health and increase sexual stamina!
  5. Dates also aid in a healthy pregnancy, delivery and are wonderful for kids.
Did you know dates did all that? That’s why you should eat them every day and at plenty, they are amazing in smoothies and make tasty Holiday treats too, like the ones above…here is the super simple, delicious recipe…

Holiday Date Rounds~





chia seeds


Just pit dates and food process them with some shredded coconut and a few sprinkles of cinnamon.
Roll them into balls and then roll them over some chia seeds and more shredded coconut.
You can put them in the freezer to harden and Enjoy!

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