Day 19: Sushi + Seaweed Salad #27DaysOfThanks

Day 19: Sushi + Seaweed

Vegan Sushi is the best! There are so many ways to make it I’d say it’s another staple in my diet. It’s actually pretty easy to make, and once you make it, you will be making it all the time!
You can’t tell in this picture but I added a steamed sweet potato to one of the good! I picked up this seaweed salad from the farmers market and it’s delicious with the sushi, and healthy too, here’s why:

    1. Everybody needs iodine these days, and it’s packed with it. This will support healthy thyroid function.
    2. Full of essential nutrients and minerals (like calcium & iron) that will benefit your hair, skin and nails. Seaweed is a concentrated superfood and beauty food.

#27DaysOfThanks for sushi + sea vegetables and the variety and nutrients it adds to our diet!

See you tomorrow for letter “T.” ♥

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