Day 24: Xigua #27DaysOfThanks

Day 24: Xigua Xigua is another word for Watermelon! It’s actually the Mandarin Chinese name and it typically refers to the smaller rounder watermelons grown in China. We are not in watermelon season at the moment, but I was still able to get my hands on one, thankfully!! I don’t often post pictures of myself, but …

Day 23: Watercress #27DaysOfThanks

Day 23: Watercress After looking in to the health benefits of watercress, I’m wondering why I haven’t been eating it all along, or why I had no idea just how healthy it is…it’s actually ranked as the number one most nutritious vegetable! It’s so healing, Hypocrites himself made sure it was readily available to treat …

Day 22: Vanilla Bean #27DaysOfThanks

Day 22: Vanilla Bean Vanilla is a fragrant herb and spice that is used in foods, essential oils and aromatherapy. Not only does it taste yummy and smell delicious, it has many health benefits. Here are a few… The aromatic stimulation can calm anxiety, enhance your mood and act as an aphrodisiac. Vanilla Bean can …

Day 21: Ube #27DaysOfThanks

Day 21: Ube I have to be honest…”U” was a tough one. After considering a few options, I decided to go with “Ube” which is the Filipino word for Purple Yam. While I searched for an actual purple yam (not to be mistaken for a sweet potato), I had no luck. In my research, however, …

Day 20: Tomatoes #27DaysOfThanks

Day 20: Tomatoes Add flavor to so many dishes with tomatoes! There are so many varieties and ways to use tomatoes to spice up your cooking. If you don’t like tomatoes it may be because you haven’t found the right variety yet, there are so many different textures and flavors out there, keep trying.  Some of …

Day 19: Sushi + Seaweed Salad #27DaysOfThanks

Day 19: Sushi + Seaweed Vegan Sushi is the best! There are so many ways to make it I’d say it’s another staple in my diet. It’s actually pretty easy to make, and once you make it, you will be making it all the time! You can’t tell in this picture but I added a …

Day 18: Rice + Rice Cakes #27DaysOFThanks

Day 18: Rice Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter, Julienne Peeled Apple, Sprinkled with Cinnamon and Coconut!  This makes the perfect after dinner snack if you’re having sweet tooth, it really satisfies your craving and is a good carb to have before bed because the apple will give you some fiber and the rice cake will …

Day 17: Quinoa + Quinoa Porridge #27DaysOfThanks

Day 17: Quinoa Were any of you wondering what on earth I’d come up with for “Q?” (For anyone who is new, I’m doing a #27DaysOfThanks series of healthy, vegan foods from A-Z, ending with a vegan Thanksgiving dinner)…Thank goodness for Quinoa! 🙂 Quinoa is a staple grain for my gluten-free diet and there are …

Day 16: Pumpkins #27DaysOfThanks

Day 16: Pumpkins I recently made my first ever YouTube video all about the health benefits of Pumpkins + 3 Easy Pumpkin Recipes! Would you guys like to see more videos like this? What other subjects would you enjoy? Let me know in the comments! 🙂 Here is a clip from the video…(full video underneath) …

Day 15: Oat +Baked Oatmeal #27DaysOfThanks

Day 15: Oats There are so many delicious ways to eat oats, do you ever forget they’re healthy? You can bake them in cookies, use them as bread crumbs, add them to your smoothie or make baked oatmeal with fresh fruit like I did here… 3 Reasons to eat Oats: Oats are great source of …